Recognition is our greatest motivation

The Dataline team kicks off every day with the motivation to provide their customers with the best possible ERP software. And that commitment and drive for innovation regularly enjoys recognition from the printing industry and beyond.

Logo Trends GazellenDataline won the 2022 Trends Gazellen award for fastest-growing medium-sized company in West Flanders (Belgium).

You earn this Trends Gazellen Award on the basis of actual growth figures: growth in turnover, growth in personnel and growth in added value.

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The European Digital Press is a consortium of print industry trade journalists in Europe. They annually evaluate industry innovations and award software and hardware solutions that make the greatest contribution to the industry.

More information about the EDP Award


At drupedp 2024a 2024, the world's largest trade fair for the print media industry, Dataline received an EDP award for the MultiPress AI Assistant.

The MultiPress AI Assistant compares a new calculation with all the relevant reference points in your MultiPress database. Using that selection, this artificial intelligence distils a scoring percentage for the quotation made, and clear advice that you can use to increase the success rate of that quotation.

This remarkable application is the first AI step in Dataline's bigger story.

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At FESPA 2023 in Munich Dataline was among the winners again, this time for its innovative MultiPress CO2 Calculator. The MultiPress is the only print ERP/MIS software that combines European regulations and guidelines with accurate calculations at quotation and order level, regardless of the volume, application, substrate or production technology used. Dataline thus receives its fifth EDP award in four years. 

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Logo EDP 2021In 2021, Dataline won two EDP awards: for MultiFlow and the innovative MAS software. MultiFlow is the automation software within MultiPress that allows users to automate their own workflows. The MAS software is an audit tool that provides a precise cost analysis of each process in a print company based on actual industry statistics.

Dirk Deroo (CEO Dataline Solutions): "These European Digital Press Awards are yet another confirmation from the industry that the mindset and 'DNA' within my company works. Our R&D and innovation team, more than other parties, is committed to persistent innovation and MultiPress never stagnates."

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Logo EDP 2020

In 2020, Dataline received an award for its e-calculator. The e-calculator adds the power of MultiPress's dynamic price calculator to any e-commerce solution, automating online print orders for any print business.

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Logo EDP 2019In 2019, the EDP jury also already recognised the MultiPress Installation App as an innovative contribution.

With the MultiPress Installation App, installers of sign and large-format work can receive work instructions, record their working time, gather customer approval and photos of the completed work via a smartphone app.

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Logo Print en Sign AwardThe MultiPress Installation App had its world premiere at the 2019 Sign & Print fair and was nominated for the Innovation Award. The many visitors were able to learn about the new application at the MultiPress stand and voted in overwhelming favour of the Installation App.

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Logo Go Live AwardEvery Dataline customer who completes MultiPress implementation receives the MultiPress Go-Live award from a Dataline Business Developer. We celebrate the moment when MultiPress goes live in the customer's company as the most important moment in our relationship.

This award also recognises the excellent cooperation between the users and the Dataline Project Managers in each case.

Logo ISOIn 2006, Dataline Solutions first received a favourable report from the chief auditor of the Belgian Centre for Certification for the implementation of the ISO-9001 standard.

Since then, Dataline has renewed its certification every year by always focusing on outstanding quality.

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Logo kmo portefeuilleDataline Solutions is recognised by the Innovation and Enterprise Agency as a training provider.

The kmo-portefeuille is a measure that gives you - as an entrepreneur - financial support for the purchase of services that improve the quality of your business. In concrete terms, these are training and consultancy services, such as drawing up a communication plan for your company.

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Logo Brusselse opleidingspremieDataline Solutions is recognised by the Brussels public service Economy & Employment as a training provider, allowing you to claim a grant from the Brussels government.

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Logo QualiopiDataline Solutions achieved French national quality certification Qualiopi in 2021 and is officially recognised as a Qualiopi training institution for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Qualiopi is the leading certification for professional training organisations in France.

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