Efficient, composite orders

MultiPress Kits allows you to combine multiple sub-orders and variants into composite packages, automatically calculating the correct quantity, weight, and the associated packaging and transport costs. All information is seamlessly shared with the production and packaging department.

This enables you to efficiently manage the entire process from order processing to shipping, minimise errors, and deliver the right products on time and to the correct location.

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In MultiPress, you can easily determine how many kits need to be delivered per delivery address. Based on this information, the quantities are automatically calculated, ensuring a streamlined and efficient expedition process.

The Kits functionality adds a sub-line to the order, allowing you to calculate the total weight of the kits. This enables you to accurately estimate and manage packaging and transport costs, allowing you to achieve cost savings without compromising on delivery quality.

  • Efficient order management: Easily combine sub-orders and variants into composite packages, streamlining the order process.
  • Automatic calculations: MultiPress automatically determines the required number of kits per delivery address and calculates packaging and transport costs based on the total weight.
  • Seamless integration: The kits functionality creates clear delivery addresses, helping packaging staff to work efficiently and error-free.
  • Cost savings: By accurately calculating packaging and transport costs, you can save without compromising the quality of the delivery.