Consult your expedition planning during deliveries

With the MultiPress App: Expedition, your delivery team always stays connected, ensuring more efficient deliveries. The app is easy to use and provides a convenient way to track projects remotely, from start to final delivery.

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A delivery team starts the day with the MultiPress App: Expedition, where they can immediately view their daily schedule and delivery details. During the journey, they can easily log their work time, take photos of delivered orders, and capture customer approvals, all through the app. Any changes or issues are communicated in real-time, allowing for quick responses. 

The app keeps everything centrally and automatically recorded, minimising paperwork and miscommunication. At the end of the day, they have a complete overview of all completed deliveries without any extra administrative burden.

The MultiPress App: Expedition provides your delivery team with a complete briefing on their smartphone, directly from MultiPress, which manages all the information centrally. In real-time, deliverers can manage the delivery, log work time, add photos to the record, and capture customer approval. All this with just a few taps on their device, wherever they are.

  • Real-time communication: Always stay in touch with your delivery team for faster and more efficient deliveries.
  • User-friendliness: The app is easy to use on any device, giving your team effortless access to all necessary information.
  • Complete documentation: Deliveries can be logged, photographed, and approved by the customer, all within one app.
  • Central data management: All delivery information is tracked and updated directly from MultiPress, ensuring accuracy and consistency.