Smart automation for better business decisions

The MultiPress AI Assistant provides you with instant analyses, insights, and recommendations to increase the success rate of your quotes. These recommendations are presented in clear and understandable language, allowing you to act quickly and effectively.

Increase the success rate of quotes with AI

The MultiPress database of your print media company is a goldmine of information that drives the intelligent machine learning routines of this technology. This database contains all historical data of quotes, orders, financial data, workflow and planning information, as well as integrated external data sources like paper catalogues.

By leveraging this data, MultiPress AI Assistant uses advanced algorithms and statistical models to provide you with valuable insights and recommendations.

When you create a quote for a print project, including material and quantity, the AI Assistant searches the database for similar jobs for the same client. It compares these with the quotes that have led to successful orders in the past. Based on this data, you receive a score indicating the likelihood that the quote will be successful.

  • Improved quote success: Gain immediate insight into the likelihood of success for each quote, based on historical data and customer behaviour.
  • Cost optimisation: Receive recommendations to reduce material costs and save without compromising on quality.
  • Customer-focused advice: Tailor quotes based on your customer's specific preferences and history, for a more personalised approach.
  • Time-saving analyses: Save time by receiving automated, data-driven insights that help you make faster decisions.