Manage and consult your certification records
Most orders today require the use of certified substrates. FSC paper certification, in particular, is the rule rather than the exception. MultiPress helps you obtain and maintain certificates effortlessly and saves you a lot of administrative hassle.
In MultiPress, you indicate which certificate is required for each order and substrate type, with the number and claim associated with it (e.g. FSC Mixed Sources). Besides FSC, you can also enter all kinds of other certificates.
You can then consult all certified orders and paper types, for a selected period, with a distinction between purchase and sale. This gives you access to all relevant substrate details, including number, size and weight.
- Time-saving: MultiPress keeps records of certificates per order
- Convenience: effortlessly obtain and maintain certificates. In case of an audit, reports can be composed and delivered quickly and easily
- Clear: simply select all relevant information about certificates in the overview screen