Overview of the production flow with the MultiPress 'Control Cockpit' module

With 'Control Cockpit', the order manager has a dashboard at his disposal on which all aspects of the order book are visualised with icons and colour coding. This shows the current status of the order package, including any bottlenecks that require immediate action.

Sight of the dashboard enables order managers to react promptly in the preparatory phase and guarantee a streamlined production flow. With the web-based version of this module, the order manager will also have all these possibilities at his disposal remotely on any device.

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The latest version of the MultiPress Control Cockpit offers an effective solution through the Order Manager: Order Manager 2.0. This comprehensive set of tools helps you track jobs all the way through production. You can almost see this tool as an extra colleague. With the convenient interface, you can manage the status of projects, from approved quotes to production steps.

In the order phase prior to production, the order manager must ensure, in consultation with the customer, that all the necessary information, files and materials are complete.

The coordination, ordering and planning of these elements determines the moment when the order is responsibly sent to the production phase. If this happens too early or too late, delays or misunderstandings will inevitably occur, causing loss of time and additional costs.

Once an order is complete and ready for production, MultiPress creates the necessary JDF commands and also processes the JMF messages. As a full-fledged JDF management system, MultiPress organises the entire JDF workflow and, among other things, generates machine-specific JDF commands from other connected JDF devices.

  • Overview and control: Especially in the preparation phase, it is important to be able to oversee the status of the entire order book. This prevents disruptive delays in planning or unnecessary misunderstandings during production, which lead to loss of time and additional costs.
  • Cost and time savings: customer, order and product data do not have to be re-entered, which largely eliminates duplicate data entry
  • Shorter throughput times: new orders or tasks are immediately transferred to the connected systems and processed there, reducing downtime
  • Error reduction: Double data collection and manual transfer of information by the user are permanently avoided and incorrect entries are prevented