The Austrian company Polyduo GmbH was founded in 2013 when it specialised in printing on plastics. Since then, the company had been focusing on producing unique solutions for point-of-sale and promotional materials. From special envelopes, prints, plots, inscriptions, and foils to individual packaging, they take care of it. Fifteen employees process some 200,000 m² of foil annually, 27,000 m² of which is printed. At the request of its clients, a large-format printing business unit was recently started up with just a small machine park. Today, the company’s primary activity is controlled through a tailor-made ERP system, and it is not the intention to replace this system any time soon. However, it soon became clear that the new large-format business unit had run up against the limits of its own ERP application.
Increasing appetite for MultiPress
It turned out that preparing accurate quotations, with exact prices and margins, for large-format jobs was very different from doing this for printing on plastics. The ERP system management did not work properly, and it proved not so easy to integrate large-format as well. Polyduo had to find a quick solution. Coincidences do not exist: during his visit to Fespa 2018, Andres Endres, Polyduo’s Managing Director, found exactly what he was looking for: an ERP system tailored for large-format printing businesses. MultiPress of course. The fact that MultiPress can be madefullymodularwas right up Polyduo’s street. They prefer a well thought-out, gradual approach so that they can gradually integrate all business processesinto MultiPress. Today, Polyduo only uses the CRM and Calculation modules, but now that they have discovered MultiPress, more modules will undoubtedly follow.
And so, it can sometimes go very fast: there was less than a month between the meeting at Fespa and the effective starting signal, and MultiPress is already giving wings to this start-up large-format unit. The future is looking promising!