General company details
Quotes, orders and invoices
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General company details
This tool gives you a preview of the MAS.
Use our tool to describe the current course of quotes, orders and invoices at your print company. By filling in each field in as much detail as possible, you will come to a detailed analysis.
Based on that analysis, you can then decide what is the right next step for your print company.
- Simple quotes, orders and invoices are quotes, orders and invoices for standard printing
- Semi-complex quotes, orders and invoices are quotes, orders and invoices with special focus on colours, finishing, packaging or other elements
- Complex quotes, orders and invoices are quotes, orders and invoices where the printed material has very specific requirements in various areas (substrate, finishing, finishing or finishing, packaging and delivery)
Much depends on the accuracy of your answers, so fill in each field with particular attention.
The calculation of this tool itself is based on data from a large number of graphics companies over more than 20 years.
This means you get a calculation that shows very accurately what efficiency gains you can make with MultiPress.