Antalis België + Nederland
Technology partner
MultiPress integrates the personalised catalogue from Antalis
Thanks to software integrations, MultiPress provides direct access to the catalogues of paper suppliers. This integration lets you view price agreements and request prices immediately. The price lists are automatically synchronised so that the overview is always up to date. Orders can be placed directly from MultiPress, without having to log in to the supplier's portal.
MultiPress entered into a partnership with Antalis, the European market leader in paper distribution, packaging solutions and materials for visual communication. The Antalis catalogue with personalised prices is available through the web service in MultiPress. Orders can also be sent from the purchasing module in MultiPress directly to Antalis.
This integration saves the MultiPress user time and effort thanks to direct links with suppliers of paper and other substrates, such as Antalis. With all the data from all the suppliers and materials in one overview, it's easy to compare prices and quality.

About Antalis België + Nederland
Antalis is one of the world's largest distributors of paper, packaging solutions and materials for visual communication. Through 115 distribution centres worldwide, they supply a broad and varied range.