Technology partner
MultiPress integrates the catalogue of paper wholesaler Inapa
Thanks to intelligent links, MultiPress provides direct access to the catalogues of paper suppliers. MultiPress entered into a partnership with Inapa, one of the largest paper wholesalers in Germany.
The Inapa catalogue with personalised prices is accessible through the web service in MultiPress. The price lists are automatically synchronised so that the overview is always up-to-date. Orders can be sent from the purchasing module in MultiPress directly to Inapa, without having to log in to the supplier's portal.
This innovation saves the MultiPress user time and effort thanks to direct links with suppliers of paper and other substrates, such as Inapa. With all the data from all suppliers and materials in one overview, it is easy to compare prices and quality.

About Inapa
Inapa Deutschland is the merger of Papier Union and Papyrus Deutschland and is one of Germany's largest paper wholesalers.