Specialized in 'Printing on Demand
How you can keep competitive with small digital runs
Graffikka is a true pioneer in administrative automation. Led by Alex Bahnmueller, it was one of the first 10 companies to work with MultiPress. So Graffikka knows how to use the business software down to the smallest detail. The company from Diegem has specialised in ‘Printing On Demand’. In other words: smaller runs, shorter delivery times and, above all, a lot of personalised printing. All this is a piece of cake for business software like MultiPress, which maintains a clear overview of the entire ‘chain’ of processes. The result is a flawless, transparent and fast process for every type of printing.
Need for administrative overview
‘When I launched Graffikka in 1996, I had tried to develop my own system for administrative records’, recalls CEO Alex Bahnmueller. ‘The program that I wrote myself met most of my requirements, at least in the early years But when the company really started to grow, the first problems soon appeared. Minor errors, loss of overview, inefficient calculation… Then you have a choice, either you continue to muddle along, thus limiting the growth of the company, or you resolutely opt for further growth, now and in the future. You also have to keep in mind that our business model, ‘Printing On Demand,’ requires an error-free process or it quickly becomes unprofitable. So we needed an administrative overview.’
MultiPress plays well with others
But there’s more to the story than that. Any potential business software not only had to meet the requirements of our business model, but also had to be able to integrate seamlessly with existing accounting software (in this case Expert/M), the SAP ERP system from machine supplier Xerox and a self-written bit of software for collecting and processing data online.
‘MultiPress was introduced into an existing, carefully engineered structure. We were prepared to streamline our existing processes, but the API connection to the smoothly functioning external programs also had to be set up. No problems there, the API of MultiPress is very well documented. And we still have a well-oiled, robust administrative chain that’s ready to meet the challenges of the future,’ concludes the CEO.
And that’s how a relatively small company – around eight employees, in the case of Graffikka – can be highly competitive in the rapidly fluctuating graphics market. Even with smaller, digital print jobs, in both large and small formats.

Company details
Graffikka has become a specialist in ‘Printing On Demand’. In other words: smaller runs, shorter delivery times and a lot of personalised printing.