ACSD: large format printer chooses for MultiPress MIS/ERP
ACSD, located in Bordeaux, has been the specialist in digital print jobs since 1983. With a firm belief in his vision, Christophe took the plunge into large format print jobs. This resulted in significant growth. As a small company, every delay is a big challenge for their efficient operation. MultiPress optimised their processes and encouraged smooth operations.
Taking the plunge into large-format print jobs
In 2008, Christophe Videau, the current owner of ACSD, took a crucial step in his career. While working at an offset printing company, he was responsible for installing the very first HP Indigo press in Bordeaux. A revolutionary milestone. Christophe had been active in the printing industry since 1996. He had run his own business, specialising in catalogue and magazine production. In the same year, he took over ACSD.
The switch from a small company to a large print company with advanced technology was a huge change. However, Christophe had complete confidence in his vision. So in 2009, he decided to take the step into large-format print jobs. The market was changing. ACSD's customers were asking for more services and a wider range of products, which ultimately acted as their business card.
And his intuition proved to be right. With a team of 17 employees and a 1,000 m2 of building, ACSD has grown from a turnover of 1.2 million euros to almost 2 million euros. The driving force behind this growth is the large format print job. 50% of ACSD's activities have since consisted of large format print jobs. This transformation has not only given ACSD a boost in sales. It also led to a more diverse customer base and a future-proof position in the market.
Time for change, time for an MIS/ERP
The development of Dataline's MIS/ERP MultiPress software underlines transformation in the market. Not only because they have had their own, local team of Product Specialists, Project Managers and Support staff in France for more than 5 years. But also because of the changes within the printing industry. The number of employees in printing companies and print volumes are decreasing, while productivity is increasing. Since 2000, the number of employees in the European printing industry has fallen by no less than 40%. While turnover has increased by only 20%. This underlines the rapid changes in the market. Christophe focuses not only on optimising business processes, but also on environmental friendliness. At ADSD, 87% of the materials used are recycled.
In this context, it is crucial to have efficient business processes, both for administration and production, because as a small company, any delay is a threat to a smooth operation. MultiPress therefore played a crucial role in this. Christophe: "MultiPress has fundamentally changed our processes":
- Calculation is much easier by using the Calculation Wizard. Both the calculation itself and the quotation can be done much faster. In addition, they can also offer a price-quality ratio as a result.
- Thanks to the link between their accounting package and MultiPress, a lot of manual work is avoided. Invoicing can therefore be processed faster and more accurately, which contributes to improved cash flow.
- A lot of time was lost searching for, passing on and checking information. The MultiFlow in MultiPress ensures that these manual operations are no longer necessary, which has also significantly reduced the error rate.
Implementing an ERP system is not an easy task, but it is an absolute necessity. The administrative work at ACSD is now much more efficient, which has considerably improved productivity.

Company details
ACSD, a Bordeaux-based digital printing specialist since 1983, achieved significant growth by expanding into large format printing and optimizing processes with MultiPress MIS/ERP.