Why innovate?

The printing industry has changed significantly in recent years. A growing need for maximal agility and constantly changing requirements are among the many challenges many print and sign production companies face today. Moreover, ambitious companies are increasingly realising that measurable improvements start with administrative simplification.

Answer these 10 questions and find out whether your company needs MIS/ERP software tailored to the graphics sector

1. Does the core of your administration still revolve around Word, Excel or other spreadsheets?

In many print production companies, employees often lose valuable time because they repeatedly and manually enter data into Word, Excel or other spreadsheets. In addition, those actions increase the likelihood of human error. With a market-specific MIS/ERP system such as MultiPress, such manual tasks become unnecessary.

MultiPress provides a complete business management system for print and sign production companies. The software integrates and connects all your business processes into one streamlined system. Maximum automation is achieved, but at no time is control taken away from the user.

2. Do you notice a decrease in order volume and at the same time an increase in the number of orders?

As mentioned earlier, the printing industry has changed a lot in recent years: just think of more print orders with smaller editions, faster delivery times and on-demand printing. For the machines this is not a problem, but for the administration it often is. They literally cannot keep up.

MultiPress enables the high productivity demands of a contemporary print and sign production company. The software offers the comfort of a skilled operator, with a host of advanced features that eliminate both routine tasks and redundant operations. So you produce more, faster and never miss a deadline.

3. Do you lose overview with the many, daily changes in your print production company?

The only constant is change. This also applies to print production companies. Deadlines shift, orders have to be reprinted and sales fluctuate like never before.

MultiPress allows you to stay on top of things thanks to clear dashboards and accurate reports. So you can intervene quickly where necessary and always stay in control.

4. Do you struggle with fluctuating prices of paper, substrate or ink?

A new day, a new price for paper, substrate or ink. Searching for the daily price on your suppliers' platforms costs you unnecessary time and effort.

From MultiPress you have a direct link to the digital catalogues of your suppliers. This way, you always have insight into the technical specifications of your substrates and the available stock at the wholesalers. Thanks to the certified connection with your suppliers, you always keep an overview, without leaving your MultiPress environment.

5. Do you calculate the exact production cost or do you only focus on the selling price?

Calculating the production cost of a print order is very complex, because you have to take hundreds of different parameters into account. Even the best calculators are amazed by the time they spend calculating orders. As a result, many print and sign production companies fall back on just the selling price, making the potential negotiation margin unknown. Never mind that you can decide whether to produce an order yourself or outsource it to a third party.

With MultiPress, you can calculate the production cost (and time) in less than 2 minutes. The result? You always know exactly how big your margin is and can thus secure your profit.

6. Is your current MIS/ERP system hitting its limits?

Nowadays, there are countless software applications that can help you organise your processes better. You can, for example, opt for a general MIS/ERP system that can be used for any sector, but as a print production company, you are in a specific sector with unique parameters, machines and raw materials, so general applications often fall short. On the other hand, you can choose to have a system developed by an IT company, but that is usually a very long, uncertain and intensive process with no guarantee of success.

An ERP system tailored to your industry and with which you can infinitely modulate according to your needs and growth ambitions, such as MultiPress, is therefore the only futureproof choice.

7. Is your current way of working ready for the future ambitions of your print and sign production company?

Would you like to achieve more turnover with fewer or the same number of people, or perhaps you have other future plans?

Regardless of your ambition, MultiPress is the best future-proof solution.

With MultiPress you will automate your business processes, allowing you to work more efficiently and save costs. In addition, the MIS/ERP system offers extensive reporting possibilities, giving you better insight into your business performance and enabling you to make strategic decisions. Whether you want to grow, reduce costs or enter new markets, MultiPress supports you in achieving your goals.

8. Is your production machine utilisation not optimised?

Is your planning based on orders without knowing how long they will actually take to be printed? Good planning starts by calculating the production time of a quotation or order.

But with MultiPress, you always know exactly how much time production will take because the software knows all the machines and specifications. This way, you avoid production downtime, fully align the flow schedule of each order with your company's processes and capacity, and production and delivery are always on schedule.

9. Are your logistics and expedition rather chaotic?

Many print and sign companies increasingly resemble a shipping company, resulting in unexpectedly high invoices from transport companies and endless price discussions with your customer.

MultiPress has a certified link to most transport companies, so the shipping costs are known from the start. From MultiPress you can also follow the delivery at any time via Track&Trace.

10. Do your partners and suppliers speak your language?

Just like other sectors, the printing industry has its own professional language. A software company may have a top product, but if they do not know the tricks of the trade, chances are that not all expectations will be met. As a print and sign production company, there are three key questions to ask yourself:

  • Am I dealing with a stable company with strong foundations?
  • Does the company have real professionals from the printing industry?
  • Has the software already proven itself in the market?

Dataline mainly recruits people from the printing industry and has the knowledge and manpower to provide maximum support, regardless of the customer's language or background knowledge. This way, we guarantee that the Go Live, the moment when you can start working with MultiPress independently, will be a reality within six months.

Why MultiPress?

Over the past 25 years, Dataline has analysed over 1,000 print production companies, print media companies, how to organise administrative processes (calculations, prepress, order management, planning, file management, invoicing, time recording, etc.) as efficiently as possible. The result? MultiPress, the #1 Print MIS/ERP software that Europe's top-performing print and sign production companies rely on as the backbone for their operations.

"A print and sign order consists of 40% administrative costs at most print production companies. With MultiPress, we guarantee that those costs are halved to double the margin on each order. That's our promise, in black and white!"

- Dataline CEO Dirk Deroo

Do you also struggle with these challenges?

Whether you are a startup, a large enterprise or somewhere in between, Dataline gives every print business unique features and excellent support for maximum software performance and continuity.

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